Analytics Essentials: Building a Functional KPI Dashboard
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Analytics Essentials: Building a Functional KPI Dashboard

Data is crucial for smart business choices, but the sheer volume can be overwhelming.

The key? Focus on the most important information and present it clearly. This might involve simplifying it for those unfamiliar with the data. One great way to achieve this is by creating a dashboard. Think of it as a one-stop shop for all your data visualizations, making things easy to grasp for everyone.

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Analytics Essentials: Introduction to A/B Testing
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Analytics Essentials: Introduction to A/B Testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool that empowers you to move beyond guesswork and optimize your marketing efforts for success. This guide explains what A/B testing is, how to set up an A/B test, and the role of statistical significance in analyzing results.

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Analytics Essentials: Attribution Models - What They Are & How To Choose One
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Analytics Essentials: Attribution Models - What They Are & How To Choose One

Attribution models are the key to understanding which marketing channels and campaigns are truly driving customers to your business. By tracking and assigning credit for conversions, you can confidently invest in the strategies that demonstrate the greatest return on investment (ROI). This blog will guide you through the various types of attribution models out there and how to choose the right one for your business.

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Analytics Essentials: Linear Regression
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Analytics Essentials: Linear Regression

Linear regression analysis is a powerful statistical tool that provides valuable insights into the relationships between variables, supports predictive modeling, and facilitates evidence-based decision-making in various fields. It’s a great tool for marketers and data analysts to use when trying to understand if there is or is not a correlational relationship between a test factor and goal result.

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Analytics Essentials: How to Read & Use Cohort Charts
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Analytics Essentials: How to Read & Use Cohort Charts

Master cohort charts (aka cohort analysis) and unlock the power of customer behavior data. These visualizations group users based on acquisition date and track their activity over time. Learn to read cohort charts and understand the role they play in helping you optimize your marketing strategy.

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5 Ways to Deal with Designer’s Block
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5 Ways to Deal with Designer’s Block

Just like writers and other professions, creatives of all fields can go through periods of designer’s block and even burn out. If you are having creative fatigue, here are some ways you can once again, become energized and refreshed in your work. Whether you’re a graphic designer, photographer, UI/UX designer, or videographer - these five tips can help you out of your creative rut. 

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